Self-Defense: Training Never Ends

Self-Defense: Training Never Ends

Self-defense training is a journey that never ends. Learning is constant as we live in a dynamic world with new and adapting threats. One of the biggest assets one can have is an open mind. Very few things are constant or absolute. Expose yourself to a variety of training. Here are some areas of training and resources to consider.

Areas of Self-Defense Training

Areas of training should correlate directly to all stages involved in a confrontation.

  • Mindset: Your mind is your most effective weapon. Constantly work on your situational awareness. Remind yourself that you must stay vigilant and never let your guard down. Practice observing, analyzing and modifying your actions based on the dynamics of your environment.
  • Non-Lethal Force: Non-lethal force involves combatives (hand-to-hand techniques) and non-deadly weapons such as pepper spray and impact weapons. Physical fitness and martial arts are key components of non-lethal force.
  • Lethal Force: For most, lethal force means firearms. However, this can include many things such as knives, impact weapons and even unarmed combatives. Lethal force is only an option when you’re out of options.

Self-Defense Training Resources

Training is available to us all regardless of location, time or finances. Yes, training can be expensive but it doesn’t have to be. Free self-defenses training resources are readily available.  Here are some of the ways you can train anytime, anywhere.

  • Classroom: Over the last 5 years the self-defense training industry has flourished. Quality instruction in a classroom setting is accessible in most areas. Nationally recognized instructors travel and conduct training throughout the country. Do your research, read online reviews and train with reputable instructors.
  • Video: Video training is everywhere. You can purchase self-defense training DVDs, stream video from an instructor’s website or subscribe to self-defense channels on YouTube. Video training makes instruction affordable and accessible.
  • Internet: The amount of information on the internet can be overwhelming. You must do due diligence and make sure the information you’re getting is reputable. Often times professional blog writers create content for websites and aren’t subject matter experts. Make sure the content you absorb is relevant and authored by a competent instructor.
  • “Workouts”: Workouts are simply training exercises you do on your own. This can be anything from practicing your unarmed combative skills to drawing and dry-firing your weapon. Treat your training as a workout. Plan what you’re going to do, schedule it and stay consistent.
  • Experience: Experience is one of the greatest training tools of all. As you go about life, you will be faced with events that make you feel uncomfortable and unprepared. These situations can be excellent training tools. After the event occurs, “de-brief” the situation and determine what you did well and what you could have done better. The next time you encounter a similar situation you will be better prepared.

There is never an excuse not to train. Resources are plentiful and there is always knowledge to be gained.

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