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Mindful Defense Self-Defense (Private Seminar) – 04/11/2020

Online Webinar

The Mindful Defense self-defense class covers mindset, situational awareness and self-defense combatives. Mindset and situational awareness are two of your most powerful weapons when it comes to self-defense. This self-defense course focuses on recognizing, avoiding and de-escalating dangerous situations before they become a physical encounter. Participants will be given the tools to develop a […]

Mindful Defense Self-Defense Seminar – 02/29/2020

Overland Park Karate 7311 W. 97th St., Overland Park

The Mindful Defense self-defense class covers mindset, situational awareness and self-defense combatives. Mindset and situational awareness are two of your most powerful weapons when it comes to self-defense. This self-defense course focuses on recognizing, avoiding and de-escalating dangerous situations before they become a physical encounter. Participants will be given the tools to develop a […]

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