Vehicle Safety

Parking Lots: Staying Safe in These Transitional Spaces

Parking Lots: Staying Safe in These Transitional Spaces

A lot of crimes take place in transitional spaces, parking lots being a prime example. Parking lots can be dangerous places. They are often poorly lit, isolated, full of strangers and empty stairwells. There are many things you can do to mitigate risk when going to and from your vehicle. Here are a few things to consider when going to and from your vehicle.

Parking Lots: Staying Safe in These Transitional Spaces Read More »

Securing Your Vehicle

Securing Your Vehicle

Securing your vehicle should be an integral part of your self-defense. Often times we don’t think about vehicle security until we experience the inconvenience and expense of having a vehicle broken into. Not only do vehicle break-ins cost time and money but they can also compromise the safety of you and your loved ones. Something as simple as leaving your ID and a garage door opener in your car while going for a jog at the park can give a stranger complete access to your home and family.

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