Offense is Your Best Defense

Offense Is Your Best Defense

Self-defense has a serious implication. The term implies that you are on the defense, reacting to someone’s aggression towards you. By definition, you are at a disadvantage. It is always slower to react than to pro act. If you are reacting you are not in control. A well-planned offense is always better than a defense. Offense does not mean that you’re attacking people at will. Rather, you are proactive in implementing a plan, diffusing situations and avoiding confrontations.

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How To Use Pepper Spray

How To Use Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is proven to be extremely effective for self-defense. It is safe with proper handling, yet effectively diminishes the capacity of an animal or human threat. Pepper spray canisters are widely available and legal to carry in jurisdictions. When used properly, pepper spray is a valuable part of your personal protection plan. Here are five things you need to do in order to effectively deploy pepper spray.

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Be An Active Participant In Your Own Rescue

Be An Active Participant In Your Own Rescue

Self-defense is just that, taking care of yourself. You must plan for no help to be available and for your plans to fail when needed most. If you are serious about self-defense you must understand that you are the first responder. Police officers, medical personnel, and firefighters must be viewed as second responders. Understand that you must be an active participant in your own rescue.

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Location Services: How They Threaten Your Safety

Location Services: How They Threaten Your Safety

Social media has became a large part of our lives. Regardless of whether or not you have personal accounts, social media impacts your life. At a high level, location services collect data of where you’ve been. Location service can also calculate where you may go and when based on previous habits. Once data has been collected it’s out of your control. New ways of analyzing existing data are being developed. What may seem harmless today may not be so tomorrow.

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Self-Defense New Year’s Resolutions

Self-Defense New Year’s Resolutions

As the new year approaches it is time to evaluate where we have been and where we want to go. It is time to get motivated, set some goals and enjoy the new beginning. Rarely, if ever, do we think of new year’s resolutions in terms of self-defense. There are 5 specific self-defense related goals I want to achieve in 2017. By sharing them with you, I hope to motivate you to set some goals and make 2017 a safe year.

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The Best Pepper Spray for Self-Defense

The Best Pepper Spray for Self-Defense

Spoiler alert. If I could have only one pepper spray it would be the Fox Labs flip top 2oz canister with a stream spray pattern. In a future blog, I will discuss pepper spray for self-defense in great detail. This article cuts to the chase and looks at the benefits of what is considered to be one of the best pepper spray units for self-defense.

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Force Multipliers: Overcoming a Disparity of Force

Force Multipliers: Overcoming a Disparity of Force

A self-defense force multiplier is an attribute that dramatically increases the effectiveness of a technique or weapon. Force multipliers are often justified when a disparity of force exists. Disparity of force is defined as a situation that any reasonable person would conclude places you at an overwhelming disadvantage in your effort to protect yourself against immediate and serious bodily injury. Understanding force multipliers and when to use them will help you prevail when the odds are against you.

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