Plegium Smart Pepper Spray Review

Plegium Smart Pepper Spray Review: Best Non-Lethal Personal Safety Product

The Plegium Smart Pepper Spray is in a league of its own. There is no other personal safety device on the market that offers the combination of features, ease-of-use, and effectiveness as the Smart Pepper Spray. If you want the most full-featured, non-lethal personal safety device available, I can strongly recommend the Plegium Smart Pepper Spray for you and your loved ones.

Plegium Smart Pepper Spray Review: Best Non-Lethal Personal Safety Product Read More »

Everyday Carry for Self-Defense

Everyday Carry for Self-Defense: 4 Necessities

People are constantly asking about the best everyday carry for self-defense. They are confused by the plethora of self-defense devices being marketed such as tasers, stun guns, lipstick knives and the list goes on and on. The reality of the matter is this. When it comes to non-lethal options for self-defense, there are four essentials that no one should be without.

Everyday Carry for Self-Defense: 4 Necessities Read More »

Tactical Flashlights

Tactical Flashlight: A Self-Defense Necessity

A purpose-built, “tactical” flashlight is one of the most important tools you can carry for self-defense. A flashlight can be used to safely illuminate dark areas from a distance, as an impact weapon, and to identify targets before using force. When acquiring a flashlight, it’s important to understand how it will be used, as the use dictates the requirements.

Tactical Flashlight: A Self-Defense Necessity Read More »

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