David DiBella

Founder of Mindful Defense™, an effective system of self-defense for all skill levels regardless of age, gender or physical ability. David is a full-time martial arts and self-defense instructor at his studio, Overland Park Karate, in Overland Park, KS.

Self-Defense New Year’s Resolutions

Self-Defense New Year’s Resolutions

As the new year approaches it is time to evaluate where we have been and where we want to go. It is time to get motivated, set some goals and enjoy the new beginning. Rarely, if ever, do we think of new year’s resolutions in terms of self-defense. There are 5 specific self-defense related goals I want to achieve in 2017. By sharing them with you, I hope to motivate you to set some goals and make 2017 a safe year.

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The Best Pepper Spray for Self-Defense

The Best Pepper Spray for Self-Defense

Spoiler alert. If I could have only one pepper spray it would be the Fox Labs flip top 2oz canister with a stream spray pattern. In a future blog, I will discuss pepper spray for self-defense in great detail. This article cuts to the chase and looks at the benefits of what is considered to be one of the best pepper spray units for self-defense.

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Force Multipliers: Overcoming a Disparity of Force

Force Multipliers: Overcoming a Disparity of Force

A self-defense force multiplier is an attribute that dramatically increases the effectiveness of a technique or weapon. Force multipliers are often justified when a disparity of force exists. Disparity of force is defined as a situation that any reasonable person would conclude places you at an overwhelming disadvantage in your effort to protect yourself against immediate and serious bodily injury. Understanding force multipliers and when to use them will help you prevail when the odds are against you.

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The Grey Man Concept: Going Unnoticed

The Grey Man Concept: Going Unnoticed

When in public places, such as transitional spaces, it’s best to go unnoticed. The less attention you draw, the better. A “grey man” is a person who goes unnoticed by blending in with the environment and not stimulating others. Learning how to “go grey” will help keep you out of criminals’ cross hairs. Here are four things you need to know to stay under the radar.

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Pinch Your Way Out of a Dangerous Situation

Pinch Your Way Out of a Dangerous Situation

The most basic, easy to execute self-defense techniques are usually the most effective. When faced with stress, danger and fear our bodies operate in a diminished capacity. It is important to keep this in mind when practicing self-defense techniques that must be applied in a variety of circumstances. The more simple a technique is to execute, the better. Pinching is a self-defense technique that can be used against attackers regardless of your age, gender or physical ability. Pinching is by no means a way to “finish” an attacker or cause serious injury. Rather it is a way to inflict pain, cause a flinch reaction and create an avenue of escape.

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