Color Codes

Color codes serve as a scale of readiness to allow you to match your level of awareness and action with the situation being presented. Color codes allow you to shift gears by going from a state of being oblivious and unprepared to a condition of being actively engaged in a physical confrontation. Most importantly, color codes give you a mental reference to constantly check yourself to ensure you remain vigilant.

Colonel Jeff Cooper was the first to adapt a color code system to the combat mindset. Each or color, or condition, represents a state of readiness or action. The colors are as follows:

  • Condition White: Unaware and unprepared.
  • Condition Yellow: Related and alert.
  • Condition Orange: Potential threat.
  • Condition Red: You are in the fight.

Remember, in order for any component in your personal protection plan to be effective, it must be simple and easy to execute. Color codes are just that. Let’s examine each in further detail.

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