April 2017

5 Things That Make You An Easy Target

5 Things That Make You An Easy Target

When bad people decide to do bad things to good people, they interview them first. This is an interview you want to make sure you fail. Criminals are opportunistic. They adapt and act on a moment’s notice when an easy target presents itself. Criminals will “interview,” or run potential victims through a checklist to determine if they are easy prey. Here are some common things an aggressor will look for when deciding to take action.

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Off-Body Carrying of a Firearm: Don’t Do It

Off-Body Carrying of a Firearm: Don’t Do It

Off-body carrying of a firearm is simply carrying your weapon in a manner that it is not attached to your body in a fixed, stable location. Off-body carry includes things like purses and stowing a gun under the seat of your car. Off-body carry has many drawbacks, many of which will render your firearm inaccessible in the dynamics of a lethal force confrontation. For the average citizen, off-body carry should be a last resort.

Off-Body Carrying of a Firearm: Don’t Do It Read More »

Calling For Help: Alerting Others You Are In Trouble

Calling For Help: Alerting Others You Are In Trouble

Calling for help seems like it would be one of the most basic, natural things one could do. You scream bloody murder and the cavalry comes running to your rescue, right? The truth of the matter is, there’s a good chance no one will hear you, and if they do, they won’t help you. Most people will not want to intervene in a violent situation, or may simply assume someone else will help.

Calling For Help: Alerting Others You Are In Trouble Read More »

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